- Where are the Town Hall, Police Department and Fire Departments located?"
Town Hall: 1400 Salter Path Road
Police Department: 1401 Salter Path Road
Fire Department: 1410 Salter Path Road
- What is a disaster re-entry permit and how do I get one?
The town provides Indian Beach & Salter Path property owners and active businesses with free Re-Entry permits that allow residents reentry to the island after a disaster.
Permits can be obtained from Town Hall. Identification and upon proof of property ownership must be provided (ex: deed, utility bill, tax bill, etc.).
- The first permit per residence is free
- 2 Additional permits may be purchased for $25.00 each
1st level of reentry will be essential personnel. These official personnel will verify that it is safe to return to the island.
2nd level of reentry will be the holders of valid reentry permits. This will allow owners and renters the time to secure their property before the general public is allowed to return.
3rd level of reentry will be to allow the general public to return to the island.
Listen to local radio and TV for messages on when it is safe to return.
- Where can I get property tax information?
The Town contracts with the Town of Pine Knoll Shores tax office for billing and collections. Questions on billing can be directed to the Pine Knoll Shores Tax Office (252)247-4353 ext. 12. Questions on tax rates for Indian Beach can be directed to Town Hall (252)247-3344.
- Where can I get a building permit?
The Town contracts with Carteret County for permitting and inspections (252) 728-8497 (252) 728-8497 Beaufort office, or the western office in Cedar Point (252) 393-3204 (252) 393-3204. The county also does CAMA minor permits. Zoning information for Indian Beach can be obtained at Town Hall (252) 247-3344. Question on Salter Path contact the Carteret County office.
- Is driving permitted on the beach?
Driving is permitted on the beach from September through May. A Permit must be obtained from the Police Department for $10 per day or $50 for season only for non residents. All Town of Indian Beach Residents fees are waived. Beach driving hours are 5 AM to 8 PM daily.